Tuesday 6 January 2009

To participate, or not?

A networking evening and the dreaded 30 seconds to talk about your business and why people should send business your way. "My name's Julie and I refuse to participate in a recession" announced a delegate, as if she had stumbled into a branch meeting of Credit Crunchers Anonymous. A laudable attitude I thought, a robust rejection of the negativity surrounding these dire economic times. But hang on, will she be saying that when she fights for the remaining scraps of Woolworths stock at 90% off, or when her mortgage company reluctantly reduces her monthly payments in line with the interest rate plunge? Surely we all participate - its a question of how. As Paul McGee said "within every adversity lurks a seed of equal or greater opportunity".

1 comment:

  1. Very true but most seeds don't germinate. I guess this is where the marketing comes in. Marketing as manure? Well I have often heard similar comments but perhaps not quite in this interpretation.

    But more seriously for those of us that provide a competitve value for money product and don't have our 2009 marketing budget already spent or earmarked on projects that rent flexible the new year could herald terrific opportunities.


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